By Dr. Walter C. Alvarez

How to Treat Homosexuals

The great need for more knowledge about homosexuality is shown me by a letter just received from a woman who says that in her small town her church group has learned that one of their well-liked members is homosexual. says, "I can't begin to tell you what a shock this has been to all of us. The man is married. and has children, and apparently has always behaved himself in an exemplary way."



Now, my correspondent wants to know, how should the community regard him and behave toward him? Should they warn their young people against him? Most certainly not. The less they gossip about the unfortunate man, the better. He is not hurting anyone and does not intend to.

The woman goes on to ask. "What, if anything, can we or his friends do to help?" Again, I would say the best thing they can do is to treat him like anyone else and quit having horrors about him. Their boys will not be ruined by him. It is a rare homosexual who bothers boys.

As I wrote to my correspondent, she should treat a homosexual just as kindly and with as much sympathy as she would anyone who was born with any other mental peculiarity which was likely to cause him great suffering and loneliness all his days.